I am seeking one or potentially two motivated student(s) to fill a graduate assistantship (at the Ph.D. and MS level) in the Division of Coastal Sciences in the School of Ocean Science and Engineering at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM). The position(s) is available beginning August 2023. The student will be funded on a project aimed at understanding fish (various species) movements in Mississippi waters in relation to environmental conditions and proposed restoration activities.
The student will develop a thesis project from one or more of the research objectives within this effort, and will be expected to work with a team of faculty, technicians, and graduate students in both the field and laboratory settings. The student is also expected to work collaboratively with other state and federal collaborators with various aspects of this project. The student is expected to present results of their project at professional meetings and their work should culminate in manuscripts for peer review. All work will be conducted at the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory http://gcrl.usm.edu/ in Ocean Springs, MS.
Interested MS students should hold a BS degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in ecology, marine science, fisheries, biology, or a related field and possess strong quantitative, writing, and presentation skills. Interested PhD students should hold a MS degree in a related field with a minimum GPA of 3.5 on all graduate work and have applied the skills listed above (e.g., presentations at conferences, manuscripts). Applicants with experience in coastal ecology, statistical analyses, acoustic telemetry, tagging and handling of large fish, and trailering and launching small boats are encouraged to apply. The successful applicant will be provided a full-time research assistantship ($1,900/mo), health insurance, and a tuition waiver.
To be considered for the position, please email Dr. Michael Andres (michael.andres@usm.edu) and include a letter of interest, current C.V., and unofficial transcripts. The Division of Coastal Sciences at USM does not require GRE scores. Screening of applicants will begin immediately and interested students should contact us about this position ASAP. The deadline for students to apply to USM for the spring semester is May 15th so I will be quickly contacting and setting up virtual interviews with the top candidates. Information on graduate admission requirements can be found at https://www.usm.edu/graduate-programs/coastal-sciences.php